Der Verein Forum Helveticum (FH) feiert im Jahr 2018 sein 50-jähriges Bestehen. Aus diesem Anlass möchten wir die Zukunft der Schweizer Mehrsprachigkeit und Verständigung untersuchen und fördern.

Tag: Constitution

December 6, 2016

The Swiss constitution and languages

The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation, the current version of which dates from 1999, forms the basis for plurilingualism with the aim of promoting “the internal cohesion and cultural diversity of the country”. It defines four principles: equal status among languages, citizens’ freedom to use any language, language territoriality and protection of the minority languages. Various Articles in the Constitution involve language policies: for example, Art. 4 “National languages”; Art. 18 “Freedom to use any language” and especially Art. 70 “Languages”; in part Art. 8 “Equality before the law”; Art. 31 “Deprivation of liberty”; Art. 62 “School education”; and Art. 175, which regulates the composition and election of the Federal Council. Read more

CATEGORY: Federal, Legal basis
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December 6, 2016

Languages Act and Ordinance

Switzerland’s Federal Languages Act adopted by the national referendum in 2007 (LangA – Federal Act on National Languages and Understanding between the Linguistic Communities) came into force in 2010. It is supplemented with the ordinance as well as corresponding provisions for application and implementation (LangO – Ordinance on National Languages and Understanding between the Linguistic Communities). The Confederation has thus created a formal basis for legislation based on Articles 4, 18 and 70 of the Constitution which enables it to support linguistic minorities and plurilingual cantons as well as the various organisations, institutions and projects in the area of languages and comprehension.  Read more

CATEGORY: Legal basis
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